SPDM Arts Commerce Science College Shirpur is situated in west-end of Shirpur. SPDM college providing a quality education in all streams. It have junior and senior college.
Junior college provide the education of Arts, Commerce and Science stream. Senior college also provide education of Arts, Commerce and Science stream.
Huge playground & hall
SPDM Arts, Commerce, Science College having huge playground for sports. Sports candidates daily practicing there to improve their skills. SPDM college arrange various sports contest open for all sport players. College also take part in sports contest which are arranged by others.
There is a huge hall available in SPDM college for various traditional programs and conferences.
SPDM Arts Commerce Science College : Science Labaratories
SPDM college provides quality education in Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Physics and Computer Science. College having very large chemistry labaratory available for students.
Also, every department have their own labaratories for students to improve their practical skills.

Well-educated Faculties
Faculties are well-educated in the college.
Chemistry, Physics, Botany and Zoology departments have Ph.D. holder factulties. Maths, Statistics, Geography and Computer Science department have M.Phil. holder faculties. Rest all faculties are masters of their education in science department.
Commerce department have Ph.D. holder and M.Phil. holder faculties, who are very skilled and kin in their financial education and techniques.
Art faculties also having masters in their own subjects. Arts faculties provide the extra curricular activities for the candidates such as NCC, NSS, Competitive examination trainings etc.

Postal Address
SPDM Arts, Commerce, Science College, Shingave Shivar, Shirpur, District Dhule, Maharashtra – 425405
Phone : 02563-255054 | Fax : 02563-255203
Website :
How to reach
You can reach to SPDM College by walking or by auto rickshaw. Distance is 2 KM approximately from Shirpur Bus Stand.
1. Walking – 40 Mins (Via Panch Kandil)
2. Auto rickshaw – 15 Mins (Via Panch Kandil)
You can also reach to there from Surat-Burhanpur highway, distance is about 1.5 KM approximately.
1. Walking – 30 Mins
2. Auto rickshaw – 5 Mins
Places near to SPDM College Shirpur
1. Nimzari Naka
2. Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital
3. Surat-Burhanpur highway